Friday, April 6, 2012

Peirce Teacher Luncheon - Volunteer A Dish

super teacher
The community of Peirce parents and caregivers, through the MPTSO (Multi-lingual Parent Teacher Student Organization) has always provided mid-afternoon lunch for teachers and other Peirce staff on Report Card Pick-up Day.  
This day is a long day for staff and they have always appreciated lunch as a “thank you” and to keep the day on track.  
Last report card pick up day in November, 2011 we tried something different and asked for parent donations of food (home-made or bought).  It was a huge success!  The staff LOVED the food items and really appreciated parent efforts.  So we're doing it again and the MPTSO is requesting donated items from parents.  You can choose to make a dish/item or purchase it.  Either way, we really are thrilled if you can help.
Please bring the item in a disposable (throw away) container to Peirce School cafeteria on Report Card Pick up Day:  April 18, by 2pm. The teachers and staff will eat around 3pm.    The item should serve about 10 people.  We will provide serving utensils.
If you can help, reply to Solveig Roverud at and the dish category you will provide.  I am hoping to get 10-11 parents per item.
The items to bring are:           RICE DISH
                                                SALAD (green, pasta, hearty with protein)
                                                 CHEESE OR DELI MEAT ASSORTMENT
                                                FRUIT (cut or ready to serve)     
Thanks for your time and your donation!  

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