Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Peirce Career Day - Share Your Path, Challenge a Student to Focus on Their Future

The 2nd annual Peirce Career Day is April 12, 2012.  Leveraging from it's inaugural success, Ms. Foss & the faculty team have put together a website to share the Peirce Career Day information & facilitate sign-up.  Many parents participated last year - sharing experiences in nursing, social work, retail, small business enterprises, food service & law to name a few.  Even a professional athlete joined the discussions.  All careers & experiences are welcome.  

For Peirce Career Day info, visit: http://peirceschoolcareerday.weebly.com/about.html  



girl at microphoneThink back to the sixth grade.  What did you envision your life would be like when you grew up?  Did you ever think that you would be where you are now?  Who were the people that helped set you on your course in life?   

judgeWe would like to offer you an opportunity to be that person that plants a seed in a young person’s mind at e Peirce Middle School Career Day on Thursday, April 12, 2012.  We are inviting professionals in a wide-range of careers to share how they achieved their goals and to meet with students to discuss their career plans.   We are also looking for parent volunteers to recruit speakers and to help on the day of the event.  

Volunteers NeededWe hope you will consider joining us!  Visit the Career Day website for more information and to register as a speaker or volunteer: www.peirceschoolcareerday.weebly.com.  We will be awarding prizes for the best recruiters, 
including top recruiter, most interesting career, and most famous person.  

Thank you,
Ms. Foss, Middle School Coordinator


David said...

I would have loved to have participated in this. How come this was not in the March Parent Newsletter?

Peirce Post said...

Hi David,
The monthly newsletter content is determined by admin & faculty. I can only guess it was an oversight, please reach out to Ms. Mendez or Ms. Foss to remind them for next year.
- kathryn, peirce post editor, parent: )