Peirce International Family Dance Night
Sponsored by
LSC, MPTSO, PAC, BAC, and FOP together as Bridge of Culture
People Understanding Enriching Not Judging Teaching Each Other
Friday, March 18th
6 – 8 PM
Peirce School Gymnasium
$10 per family
Please pay in advance by cash or personal check.
Your name will be placed on a guest list. No tickets will be distributed.
Return the slip below by Wednesday, March 16th.
Please respond as early as possible.
Ashley and Cesar from Giordano Dance Chicago are back with their high energy and dynamic dance skills to teach us Latin, hip hop and other dance styles. In addition, our own 4-8th grade students will demonstrate and teach some Hip Hop, Vietnamese, African and ballroom dance moves from their enrichment classes. Join us for a great night of dancing for all ages and levels.
If you would like to donate a favorite food which represents your family
or culture, (to serve about 10 people) please indicate that below. Due to CPS policy, the food needs to be store bought, not prepared in your home. Please bring the purchased food ready to serve. Beverages will be provided.
Parking will be available in the Peirce parking lot or on the street.
Please return this portion in an envelope marked “Family Dance Night” to your child’s teacher by Wednesday, March 16th.
The _________________________________________ family will attend Family Dance Night.
Number of family members to attend __________
Student’s Name (s) _________________________________________ Room # ___________
$10 enclosed [ ] cash [ ] check (made payable to Peirce MPTSO)
I will bring _________________________________________ to share
Bought dish / dessert