Wednesday, December 7, 2011

International Dinner "Gets Cooking"

Peirce's tradition of hosting an International Dinner (Jan. 26) continues with a multi-ethnic twist. 
Beginning this year, Peirce has adopted a multi-country approach to the International Studies curriculum.  Each grade level is studying an assigned country from different regions of the world.

The parent volunteer team is needing assistance with: 
  • catering/restaurant contacts  
  • helping students complete the decorations needed
  • "day-of" assistance with decorating, set-up, service, clean-up

Please contact Kim Biggs ( to assist or with questions.

The International Dinner celebrates the selected countries-of-study and their native cultures via food, family, song, and dance.  The dinner portion of the evening allows diners to sample small portions of representative foods.  We aim to obtain the food items at discounted or no cost.       

Recently our Student Council leaders joined the Parent Planning team in a brainstorming session.  Our students are eager and brimming with good ideas, we are in need of more parents to join us in executing this key event.  

During the month of January, afterschool "arts-n-craft" sessions  will be scheduled to create the decorations needed for the event.  A fun way for all our students to meet and work together. 

Of the 9 countries of study - the following countries have been selected to be featured in cuisine and entertainment portions of our evening event:   United States, Brazil, India, Spain, Iraq, China

Peirce Student Council leaders brainstorm with parents in planning the International Dinner.

Pictured from L-R: Giancarlo Alana, Jeremy Coleman, Elarido Cruz, Jessica Trujillo, Cade Pinalto
The Student Council will determine and execute the dinner decorations in the cafeteria and at the tables.  Jessica provided a wonderful idea of  highlighting traditional games from some of our featured countries.   Thank  you, Peirce leaders.
A student produced dragon dance as part of the 2011 Vietnamese  International  Dinner.

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