Find out what other schools, parents and teachers are saying about CPS and extended school days. What is the process at each school? Who is involved? What are the costs and benefits?
Take the Raise Your Hand Coalition Survey on CPS and Longer School Days here.
Register for the All School Meeting on Extended Days here.
"On the city’s North Side, outside the Disney II Magnet Elementary School, which announced on Tuesday that it was the seventh school to choose a longer school day, parents said they were pleased with what this would mean for their children, even if they were not thrilled with the growing war between City Hall and the teachers’ union."...Click here to read The New York Times article 9/17/11
NEXT PEIRCE LSC MEETING: This Thursday, September 22 at 6pm Peirce Fieldhouse
Filed under "District Initiatives" on the main CPS website and accessible at, the new page tackles "the five biggest misconceptions about the longer school day," which is directed at educators and addresses concerns including “my union won’t support me if I vote yes” and “I won’t be able to earn overtime.” A "Fact Check" section debunks "rumors" about the waiver process. Recent news updates herald the successes of the pilot program and celebrate schools that have signed on to add 90 minutes of classroom time, and as do links to research supporting longer schooldays"....Click here to continue reading the Huffington Post article on CPS Longer School Day 9/20/11
This Thursday, September 22, 2011 Peirce Fieldhouse 6:00pm
Peirce has an open position on the Local School Council for one parent. If you’d like to get involved, the candidate forms are due in the office by Tuesday, OCTOBER 18th, 3 p.m. (amended date) The current members of the LSC will review and vote on a candidate at its Thursday, OCTOBER 27th meeting. The selected candidate will be seated at that October meeting.
If interested, stop by the school’s main office for the forms or use this link: Chicago Public Schools have Local School Councils (LSCs) to help with the operations of each school. The primary responsibilities of LSCs include approving how funds and resources are allocated, developing and monitoring the annual school improvement plan, and evaluating and monitoring the school’s principal. For more information on the LSC, check out this CPS link.
us for an informal gathering to meet other Peirce parents. Members of the Multilingual Parent Teacher
Student Organization will be on hand to answer questions and facilitate
opportunities for school events and activities will be highlighted.
Visit your child's teacher and find out what your child will be learning about this year! Meet other parents and sign up as a volunteer in your child's classroom.
Orders for Peirce School t-shirts will be taken.
Two sessions will be provided for Grade level presentations - beginning at 6pm (Session 1) & beginning at 6:45 pm (Session 2). (refer to the green take home flyers) Hope to see you there!
While we were enjoying the summer, Peirce School & its staff were very busy. First, summer school was held at Peirce. After summer session let out the janitorial & engineering staff were busy with infrastructure improvements. Then Ms. Mendez, Mrs. Makowski & staff were busy hiring no less than 5 teachers. Welcome new staff!
As the hot days of August came, it was time to get ready for school. Floors were shined, boxes of books were delivered, teachers arranged classrooms, computers were "stamped" & wait till you see what Ms. Mendez did in the gym (think murals, fresh paint & a newly sanded floor) !!
And a few more exciting school announcements -
YMCA Morning Care - The YMCA is offering a Morning Care program on-site at Peirce.
YMCA Contact: Andrea Hillsamer (773) 326-2995 OR*please contact her with questions, she has been greatly responsive* Andrea is also the contact for AfterSchool Care as well.
New to Peirce This Year !
Afterschool Soccer - Four Plus One Youth Academy
8 week program offered to age-specific groups (K-2, 3-5 & 6-8) on Monday afternoons.
Receive soccer training from licensed coaches who utilize principles of 5-a-side soccer. Develop ball skills, passing, moving and awareness through the use of a custom made arena that will be assembled on Peirce's turf field. Contact Matt Rossine at 312.235.6680
Mad Science is back.... we will research the details and post back soon.
Hoping everyone had a fabulous & smooth week back to school.